Miscarriage Doula, Wholistic Trauma & Grief Guidance

Miscarriage Doula, Wholistic Trauma & Grief Guidance

Guiding women to compassionately come back to and re-trust their bodies after pregnancy loss, via Lomi Lomi bodywork and grief & trauma-informed embodiment guidance and support.

So What Does A Miscarriage Doula Actually Do??

A miscarriage doula provides knowledgeable guidance and emotional and mental support for women and families who experience pregnancy loss at any gestation, the grief experienced during pregnancy loss can be not only devastating but it can be isolating, making this journey a difficult path to navigate, sometimes long after the initial loss, this is why it’s important to have someone by your side that not only has been through this, multiple times but also understands that this process isn’t linear, that time isn’t a true indicator of healing and to have someone who can meet you exactly where you are, especially in the hardest moments.

Nothing could have prepared me for how to navigate life after loss, nothing, the knowing & trust I once had was clouded by doubt, pain, grief & trauma, it remained that way until I felt into the heaviness of our multiple losses, several years after our initial loss, this is why our loss journeys shouldn’t be compared or time-stamped, we all have our own ways of dealing with loss as it arrives, we need to learn how to be with it, not bypass or suppress it, this is why having someone to walk beside you is invaluable.

What I found through all of our losses is that it is extremely hard to find genuine empathetic support, guidance and understanding for the devastation of losing a baby, especially when it’s early in the pregnancy, I felt almost scrutinised for even feeling emotional and vulnerable during our losses.

What no one tells you after loss is how much you actually lose beyond the most heartbreaking part of your loss, your child…. Secondary loss is very real and it’s why we can get stuck in the middle of grief rather than just moving forward.

Miscarriage Doula, Wholistic Trauma & Grief Guidance

To Be Seen & To Be Held

The inexplicable pain of not being seen as a mother grieving in this process is utterly heartbreaking and harmful, regardless of gestation, we are grieving mothers that have just lost our much-loved baby and the future we were planning with them in an instant, that experience is traumatic and it doesn't just get better.

To be seen and to be held through this time of uncertainty validates the loss you’re enduring and it is essential for healing and the ability in moving forward within your life.

I work from a wholistic principle, your body is a whole so for healing to occur we can't just work on one aspect like the mind and hope the rest will follow, that causes more separation and disconnection, to heal is to view yourself and your body as a whole, allowing you to find unity within and to start to build re trust within your body.

Lomi Lomi Massage - Sunshine Coast

What To Expect In A Session

Online Sessions

A safe space to land, to express what’s unfolding within, we unpacked what you're experiencing together with safe trauma-informed guidance to not only help you feel into your loss, but together find ways for you to move forward in a supportive and compassionate way, this service is tailored to you and what support you need, because no one grieves the same, so your support shouldn’t be the same either.

We might talk about ways to be with what’s feeling alive within you, rather than burying it further down so healing can occur in a more natural and compassionate way, we can't heal from what's causing us pain without acknowledging the source of those pains first.

A lot of my sessions will include Somatic bodywork, which can range from simple breathwork techniques to somatic body movements and techniques to help bring you back into your body.

Often we can feel disconnected from our bodies after baby loss, even hold shame and hatred towards our bodies for not being able to carry our baby to full term, you can't heal a body you hate, so we start by bringing that much-needed love and attention back to the body first, reminding you that it is broken or damaged and that it's not your bodies fault for your loss.

I lost complete trust in my body & its ability to do something seemingly so natural, which evoked somewhat rejection of my body in its entirety, this type of work is what eventually brought my own healing through, working through the body and listening to it and nourishing the nervous system not trying to mindset myself to not feel what I was actually feeling, that's how I started to build my own re trust within my body and within my life.

In-Person Sessions

If you live on the Sunshine Coast in QLD, I Invite you to visit the When You're Unexpecting Healing Centre, located in the beautiful Seaside Town of Marcoola.

Miscarriage Doula, Wholistic Trauma & Grief Guidance

An In-person session will include the nurturing healing benefits of a Lomi Lomi healing massage, this is a 2-hour bereavement support journey that begins with unpacking what you're experiencing in the here and now before we enter the sacred space of Traditional Lomi Lomi bodywork.

To be nurtured in bereavement is about filling up your cup and when we're going through this type of loss filling that cup seems like an impossible task when it feels like your loss and the grief you're feeling is in the driver's seat of your life.

Lomi Lomi bodywork is filled with Aloha - Unconditional Love, which is what I felt through my own miscarriages and also my clients that have also endured a miscarriage is embodying that Unconditional Love for ourselves seems like a far stretch after we lose our babies.

I've been taking women on this Lomi Lomi healing journey for the last 7 years, before experiencing miscarriages for myself which helped me to gain a deeper awareness and appreciation for just how powerful and nurturing this type of healing is after loss, to help bring unity back within.

We seek healing because there is separation within us and when separation occurs so does emotional, physical and mental disharmony, traditional style Hawaiian Lomi Lomi bodywork is about working in the correct alignment of "Spirit - Mind - Body" working with spirit first ensures your connection and relationship is right spiritually, only then can true and lasting healing occur.

Lomi Lomi Massage - Marcoola

Oli, Pule and Hula are all essential protocols to our traditional healings, so beyond a beautifully relaxing and nurturing full-body massage journey that evokes you to reconnect to the true essence and sacredness of who you are, you'll experience traditional Hawaiian protocols of healing that have been preserved and kept sacred for 51 generations via chanting, prayer and hula movement, which is how I work directly with your guides and the higher spirit realm, to ensure the healings are done correctly and uniquely to you and what's needed for your healing in this very moment, making no two Lomi Lomi journeys the same, it's about healing in the here and now.

The health benefits of Lomi Lomi bodywork are essential for rejuvenation and healing from life's daily stressors and anxieties, but even more so when it comes to miscarriage/baby loss, when we're dealing with trauma and grief that is so undefinable.

Along with full-body healing, I focus on the womb and abdominal area where after a loss we can hold onto and store trauma and grief and rejection of our own femininity, with soothing and nurturing hula hands I hold you with Aloha -Unconditional Love, to gently release these pains and emotions, bringing you to a state of Lōkahi, Unity - Harmony - Balance, this is a time to surrender and feel and when your body is ready it will release these traumas.

Lomi Lomi is the most beautiful way to be seen and nurtured as a part of your healing after loss, I regularly have Lomi Lomi healings with other practitioners to help nurture and heal myself, because in my opinion there's just nothing quite like the wisdom and Aloha received through Lomi Lomi.